Over the last decade, more and more states are legislating that businesses charge sales tax on more and more services. With the dramatic increase of the sales of services over tangible goods, cash strapped states are looking for more and creative ways to get their share of the revenue. Knowing which states have taken the approach of taxing more services is important to understand, and a major topic of this webinar.
Knowing what gets taxed and what goes tax free is half the battle. Allow sales tax guru Scott Peterson to break down the new rules and demystify an issue that many companies struggle with.
The different ways that states tax services
How states define taxable services and the categories most often taxed
Which states have increased their tax bases
Bart Peters (Business Aviation Law Group PLLC)
"Shane is a great presenter; clear, concise, and with an accessible style. His materials are useful as well."Bill Fisher (CITI-LLC)
"Nice overview on taxable and non taxable services. Hit the high points and kept it moving."Myrna, CA
"I enjoyed learning about how sales tax is treated differently in each state and that just because it is a service, it doesn't means that it is not taxable. It was valuable as to know that each profession could potentially be subject to tax and it's a good reminder as when we service our clients to let them know that they need to research to make sure that if they need to collect taxes, to get their tax permit."John, IL
"Completely turned off by someone who thinks Illinois deserves more tax revenue, so I don't want to heat what they have to say. Also, repairs shouldn't be taxed - repairs should be incentivized since replacements result in greater trade deficits, more waste in our dumps, more shipping=larger carbon footprint. Think Green and come out of the 1950 mindset for heaven's sake."Sylvia Gay, MS
"The CPAacademy.org was recommended by a co-worker as a way to earn CPE credits and gain knowledge in various areas. This was my 1st webinar and I can say the information was helpful, the speaker kept me engaged."Lillian, MI
"I enjoy the knowledge that has been presented. I always leave the webinar with something new and keeping up to date with current knowledge. Thank you so very much for making the learning experience a good one."Maia, SC
"The webinar opened so many unexplored corridors for me. Not only Mr. Peterson was very knowledgeable in the subject but also, he did not waste time in unnecessary explanations. Great presentation!"Preata, AR
"I will have to sign up for this webinar again because I did not get a chance to complete all the survey questions. I think I completed 3 of 5. I was distracted by some things at work."
Clark Nuber
Senior Manager
Shane is a Senior Manager in the State and Local Tax Department at Clark Nuber, P.S. in Bellevue Washington. Shane focuses on state and local indirect tax obligations for companies of all sizes operating across the United States and beyond. He collaborates with companies in developing scalable processes to support effective and dynamic indirect tax calculation and compliance, especially sales and use tax.